
Our Suppliers

Supplier Code of Conduct

Consolis policy regarding suppliers is to respect each party’s interests with transparent and fairly negotiated contract terms. It is built on three pillars: dialogue, professionalism and respect of commitments. We strive to build long‐term relationships with our suppliers to form partnerships that are lawful, ethical and mutually beneficial. Our contracting process is objective and we use only legitimate, business‐related criteria when choosing suppliers.

We at Consolis act with integrity, objectivity and respect for each other, our customers, our partners and our environment, and are committed to fulfilling our duties as responsible citizens. We expect the same from all our Suppliers.

The Consolis Code of Conduct principles are translated into requirements for Consolis suppliers in our Supplier Code of Conduct. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines minimum standards for our suppliers in line with applicable laws and regulations, and it forms an integral part of the relationships between Consolis and its suppliers. 

Download the Supplier Code of Conduct in your language